Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions are to be followed for the use of this website:
1) The content provided in this website is to spread knowledge regarding a particular subject throughout but there is no guarantee to the accuracy of this website.
The user should use this website and its material at their own risk as any errors found within are not the responsibility of the owners of the site.
2) The use of this website is subjected to the laws of pakistan.
3) The user is informed that the content , images and other visual media provided in this site is our own property and is subjected to copyright laws.
4) It is the responsibility of the user that the information provided through this site meet the user’s requirements.
5) The links to other sites are provided for the convenience of the user to provide related and extensive information regarding the subject
The site is not responsible for the websites that the users are linked to .
6) user of the website can be terminated in case of abusive acts as the site is to help people not to create a hostile environment .
7) There is a limitation to what users can do:
• selling or otherwise commercializing website material
• using the website in such a way that is damaging to the site and its owner
• showing off any website material
• using the website to engage in advertising or marketing.