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Postgraduated Admission UOB Quetta

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University of Balochistan invited application for Admission in MS/MPhil/PhD
Last date of online form submission is 31-Jan-2019


The University of Balochistan offers graduate, postgraduate, doctoral and advanced programs of studies in various disciplines i-e Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Business & Public Administration, Computer etc. The students of this University share some key characteristics: high talent, leadership quality and commitment for accomplishment of tasks.

The University is equipped with the state of the art scientific equipped and well qualified faculty with in the country and abroad. The courses in different discipline of Science and Arts are designed to emphasize on research. Students are encouraged to think creatively and communicate their ideas effectivelyThe Science & Technology plays a vital role in the development of a country. Any nation cant progress with out the help of trained professionals in Science & Technology. At the University of Balochistan students are trained in the area of Natural, Physical, Chemical & Biological Sciences.

The employers can recruit employees as per demand of their operation; the University of Balochistan produce human resource frequent in Pushto, Balochi, Baruhi and Persian languages for better communication with the local population. Human and Social Sciences departments of this University may help employers for launching their development strategies.


FacultyDepartment/ Institute/ CentreStudy ProgramEligibility
ZoologyM.PhilM.Sc in Zoology
PhDM.Phil Zoology
Faculty of Life SciencesBotanyM.PhilM.Sc in Forestry, Agriculture, Environment or Botany
PhDM.Phil Botany
MicrobiologyM.PhilDVM, MBBS, Zoology, Botany, Biochemistry , Microbiology, BS (Agriculture Science)
PhDM.Phil in Microbiology, Biochemistry
Institute of BiochemistryM.PhilMA/MSc, BS (Biochemistry)
PhDM.Phil (Biochemistry)
CASVABM.PhilBiological Sciences, Veterinary Grauate(DVM & Animal Husbandry )
PhDM.Phil in Specific discipline
Political ScienceM.PhilMasters in Political Science
PhDM.Phil Political Science
Faculty of Social SciencesSocial WorkM.PhilMA/BS Social Work
Pakistan Study Center (Pak Studies)M.PhilMasters in Pakistan Studies
Pakistan Study Center (History)PhDM.Phil in History
Disaster ManagementPhDM.Phil/MS degree in the subjects / related field such as Agricultural Development, Water Management, Development Studies, Disaster Management
Balochistan Study Center (Sociology)M.PhilMasters in Sociology
Balochistan Study Center (Balochi)PhDM.Phil in Balochi
International RelationsM.PhilMasters of International Relations / Strategic Defense Studies
Faculty Education & HumanitiesGender Development StudiesM.PhilMasters in Gender/Women Studies
HistoryM.PhilBS/ Masters in History
PsychologyM.PhilMasters in Psychology
M.PhilMasters in Islamiat or equivalent from Wafaqul Madaris, Talzim ul madaris, Rabta ul Madaris
BrahuiM.PhilMaster in Brahui
Faculty Literature & LanguagesPhDM.Phil in Brahui
BalochiM.PhilMA Balochi
PashtoM.PhilMA Pashto
PhDM.Phil in Pashto
English literatureM.PhilMaster’s English
PhDMPhil English literature
Faculty Earth & Environment SciencesGeography & Regional PlanningM.PhilBS/M.Sc in Geography, Hydrology, Environmental Science, Agricultural Public Heath Care, Disaster Management, Seismology, Geomatics, Natural Resources, Climate Studies, Sociology, City Planning, Rural Planning, Economics
PhDM.Phil in Geography, Hydrology, Environmental Science, Agricultural Public Heath Care, Disaster Management, Seismology, Geomatics, Natural Resources, Climate Studies, Sociology, City Planning, Rural Planning, Economics
Center of Excellence in MineralogyM.PhilMSc/BS-4 years in Geology/ Geophysics
Faculty of Basic SciencesChemistryM.PhilMA/MSc BS (Chemistry)
PhDM.Phil Chemistry
PhDM.Phil. in Mathematics
StatisticsM.PhilMA/MSC in Statistics
PhDM.Phil in Statistics
PhysicsM.PhilM.Sc in Physics / B.S in Physics / B.S in Engineering (Electrical/ Electronics/ Mechanical).
PhDM.S/M.Phil in Physics
Faculty of Management ScienceInstitute of Management SciencesMSBBA (4 Year), BBS (2 Years), M.Com, ACCA, MBA ( 2 year), MPA ( 2 year)
PhDMS  (Management Science), MBA 3.5 (Thesis)
CommerceM.PhilMasters / BS in Commerce, Management Science, ICMA, CA
PhDMPhil/MS Commerce, Management
Computer ScienceMSBS (IT, CS, SE) / BE(CE)/M.Sc./MCS/B.Sc. (Hons.)
PhDMS/MPhil Computer Science
Faculty of Pharmacy & Health SciencePharmacy PracticesM.PhilPharm B or D
PharmacologyM.PhilPharm B or D


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Postgraduated Admission

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